Welcome to PB Planet!

If you like picture books, peanut butter, or both, you've crash-landed in the right spot. Fluff your reading pillow, grab a spoon, and stay awhile!

Friday, July 31, 2009

PB Planet TIme Warp!

PB Planet experienced a Time Warp today! (A Time Warp is when PB Planet suddenly revolves so fast, there's barely time to post for the day. A most curious phenomenon!) But, during the Time Warp, I did manage to get to my local bookstore and read these fun new PBs. Have you read them? What did you think?

Bartleby Speaks! by Robin Cruise, illustrated by Kevin Hawkes (Farrar, Straus and Giroux BYR, 2009).

The Big Elephant in the Room by Lane Smith (Hyperion Books for Children, 2009).

The Marvelous Toy by Tom Paxton, illustrated by Steve Cox (Imagine Publishing, Inc., 2009).

The Scariest Monster in the World by Lee Weatherly, illustrated by Algy Craig Hall (Boxer Books, 2009).

There Was an Old Monster by Rebecca, Adrian, and Ed Emberley (Orchard Books, Scholastic, Inc., 2009).

A PB Planet Time Warp generally only lasts for a long weekend on Earth, so see you Monday, PBnauts!


Carmel Permit Application said...

Appreciate the time you took to write this

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