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Monday, September 14, 2009

Play With Your (PB) Food!

Awww, isn't my breakfast CUTE? Combine 1/2 a bagel, your favorite PB, two mini-marshmallows, one raisin cut in half, and a little silliness! Assemble, eat, enjoy!


Anonymous said...

You really are too funny! Maybe you should open a kids' bakery - fulfill some foody-decorative calling you seem to have. :oD

Ame Dyckman said...

(laughing) Now THAT would be fun! You know what would be cool? Spin Art cupcakes! That would be awesome! (I'd use melted PB for the brown tones, of course!)

Anonymous said...

I have thought on and off my whole life about having a bakery or a real cool food place ... a friend's daughter and hubby opened a sideline business - with really fun and unusual cakes - called Bee's Cakes.

They have Peter Max-y looking stuff and even a Twilight cake. You'll enjoy this - go look - you can scroll down for many or go to their portfolio - they are really having a good time!

Ame Dyckman said...

Jeanne, these are some amazing cakes! Thanks for turning me on to Bee's Cakes--I especially like their treasure map cake! Too awesome! Thanks so much!

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