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If you like picture books, peanut butter, or both, you've crash-landed in the right spot. Fluff your reading pillow, grab a spoon, and stay awhile!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

PB Planet Daily Specials--7/29/09

Here are the PBs I read on my planet today--have you read them? What did you think?

A Blue So Blue by Jean-François Dumont, translated from the French by Michel Bourque (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 2005).

Everybody Bonjours! by Leslie Kimmelman, illustrated by Sarah McMenemy (A Borzoi Book, Alfred A. Knopf, Random House Children's books, 2008).

Melrose and Croc: An Adventure to Remember by Emma Chichester Clark (Walker Publishing Company, Inc., 2008).

The Origami Master by Nathaniel Lachenmeyer, illustrated by Aki Sogabe (Albert Whitman & Company, 2008).

Princess Justina Albertina: A Cautionary Tale by Ellen Dee Davidson, illustrated by Michael Chesworth (Charlesbridge, 2007).


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