Here are the PBs I read on my planet today--have you read them? What did you think?
Artichoke Boy by Scott Mickelson (Boyds Mill Press, 2009).
The Beckoning Cat: Based on a Japanese Folktale by Koko Nishizuka, illustrated by Rosanne Litzinger (Holiday House, 2009).
Foo, The Flying Frog of Washtub Pond by Belle Yang (Candlewick Press, 2009).
The Littlest Sled Dog by Michael Kusugak, illustrated by Vladyana Krykorka (Orca Book Publishers, 2008).
You Are The First Kid On Mars by Patrick O'Brien (G. P. Putnam's Sons, Penguin Young Readers Group, 2009).
Wow! You have a lot on your blog already. At this rate you will knock Tara off her thrown as Queen of the Blogs.
Keep up the good work,
Hi, Kathy! Hugs for the kind words, but I'm merely striving for Court Jester of our little group's Royal Family O' Blogging--Tara will always be Queen of the Blogs! You're like the Grand Vizier of blogs, because it's the Grand Vizier who always has all the good advice. (But you're a good Grand Vizier, not a bad one, like in some of the great old Persian, Egyptian, etc. folktales.) Vizier literally means "burden-bearer" or "helper," and anybody who's familiar with the TONS of work you put into preparing an NJ SCBWI event for us knows this is a perfect description! Anyway, thanks for visiting PB Planet--I'm so glad you like it!
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